Who is Codemaster Mick anyways?
Full-stack NodeJS Developer
Backend by nature, frontend by need. Capable of building REST APIs, GraphQL servers, databases, monorepos, and more. Angular is the framework of choice, but Svelte is constantly being played with on the side to get more practice. Dozens of tools have been used over the years, with more being learned all the time.
Learning web development is a never-ending practice, keep at it and you will get where you want to be.
Embedded Systems Engineer/Hardware Tinkerer
Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ATtiny, and even custom built boards. If it has buttons, switches, or wires, it has probably been ripped open and either modded or just analyzed to learn from. Constantly hacking away at something on the corner of the desk, with dozens of half finished projects buried in a bin not far away.
Game Developer and Gamer
Gaming since the early 90s on NES and Sega Genesis, moving on through the consoles over the years. Started learning game development at around 12 and has been tinkering with various engines and frameworks over the years ever since. Most comfortable working with Unity, but actively learning Unreal Engine in an effort to compare Unity and Unreal accurately.
Heaping game library that is shared with the wife and kids, who are all avid gamers too.
Parent of two kids; a boy and girl, both of whom enjoy building things and playing games with their dad. They quite often have input on art or logic in non-public projects to help build their interests where they exist.